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Seven Ways To Make Cleaning Easier!

Professional Cleaning in Smyrna, GA

Everyone dreams about a shining home, but no one likes to clean. The cleaning process is time-consuming, boring, and sometimes really yucky. We all know this is true but there is a hope! If you adopt the right attitude cleaning could be really fun. Use the hints and tips in the guide below for 7 ways to make cleaning chores easier!


Get Into a Routine

Make a few hours spare on the same day each week to dedicate entirely to cleaning. Put a note in your diary or a reminder on your phone. Allocating a specific time is far less stressful than trying to multi-task and fit in the odd hour cleaning here and there. Pack a handled open tool box with all the cloths and cleaning aids you need then you’ll be prepared and ready to go at that time!

Get The Right Equipment

Having the right tools and cleaning products is essential to clean effectively. Anti-bacterial spray solutions are ideal for kitchen surfaces, baths, showers, and sinks. Microfibre cloths are absorbent, don’t scratch and are machine washable. Use different cloths for applying solutions and for wiping off. A long-handled feather duster will reach ceiling corners and behind and under furniture. Use the crevice tool attachment on the vacuum cleaner for creases and folds in upholstery and the brush attachment for the stairs.

Get Fit

Housework burns up hundreds of calories so use this time as a weekly fitness regime. Cleaning windows, stretching to dust and polish and vacuuming with gusto all help to keep you fit. When you see the results of your efforts you’ll also get that feel good factor. Saves a visit to the gym!

Get In The Groove

Music has been proven to make housework less of an effort as it distracts the mind from the job. Clean in time to the music as you play upbeat tunes on your personal CD player. Make sure the telephone is on an answerphone and the TV and computer are on standby to ensure a clean without complications.

Get the Kids to Help

From the young age children can be encouraged to tidy their rooms. Small incentives such as star charts and treats are a simple reward for putting toys away so you can clean properly. Teenagers value their privacy but dirty washing can be put in the laundry basket and surfaces cleared for you to work. Better still get them to clean their own space!

Get Motivated

Once you’re into a routine and you are cleaning regularly and successfully, you can also treat yourself. For every hour you clean, take an hour for yourself. Go to the cinema, spend quality time in a luxurious bath or snuggle up on the sofa with a DVD. All add to the feeling of wellbeing for a job well done.

Get The Professionals

If you need a helping hand with a thorough deep clean or find that some weeks you just can’t manage by yourself then call in a reputable company such as Cleaning Smyrna. They’ll have all the modern equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products to get the job done with skill and care. When you need an extra treat they’re the team for you!

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